Bizarre Bugs-1

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Peculiarity of Bugs

Welcome to the world of "Bizarre Bugs".

Did you know that.....

  • a cockroach can live for a week without its head?

Or that.......

  • silk is made out of caterpilla spit?

Bizarre Bugs is crawling with hundreads of in credible facts like these get ready to grossed out!!!


Come Right Up

Try to imagine a circus in which all participants are fleas. At one time, flea cicuses were all in rage in Great Britain. A human ringmaster would use tweezers to lift the fleas, which were dressed in tiny clothing and harnessed by slender silver wires, onto a tigthrope or miiature stage where they would juggle and ride teensy little bikes.

Below u see the "Doc Bathos Flea Circus"

Spider Sense

In place of antennae, spiders have pedipalps. Located on both sides of the head, pedipals help the spiders hear, feel, taste, and touch. Most web-making spiders have poor eyesight and are only able to tell when they hae trapped an insect by the vibrations they feel through their palps. Pedipalps also make make great little utensils for grabbing and holding prey during dinner.

HeavyWeight Champ ( picture above)

The heaviest insect in the world is the goliath beetle of Africa. Weighing about a quarter-pound, this hefty bug is big and strong enough to peel a banana. Like almost all beetles, the Goliath beetles have a strong, hardened first pair of wings (called elytra) which protects their secondary pair of wings (the actual flight wings). The flight wings are folded neatly beneath the elytra when they are not being used. Goliaths are so large that when they fly, they sound like tiny helicopters! Each of the insect's six legs has a pair of claws, called "tarsi". These claws are very strong and allow the beetles to hold very tightly to tree trunks. Goliath beetles have very sensitive, clubbed antennae with scent receptors that help them find both food and their mates. Their eyesight is not as important as their antennae for survival. Males have a Y-shaped horn like formation on the head which is used as a pry bar in battles with other males over feeding sites or mates during the breeding season. Females do not have any horn at all, and instead they have a have a wedge-shaped head. Besides being one of the the largest insects in the world, Goliath beetles are marked with bright patterns. Their basic colors are black and white, but they also have yellow, brown, and other colors. Some of the most noticeable markings common to all the Goliath beetles are the sharply contrasting black vertical stripes on their bodies.

Below you see a labelled diagram of a spider.